The problem of acne is not new. It can happen to anyone and at any age for so
  many reasons, be it hormonal changes or poor skin care. So many beauticians, 
dermatologists, and skin experts have proposed multitudes of tips for getting 
rid of acne. However, which one to choose is still is a question of concern, 
since not all methods will work out the best for each skin type and cause of 
acne. Moreover, why to go for artificial products when you have so many useful 
ingredients in your kitchen?

Discussed below are 10 best home remedies that can do wonders when it comes 
to deal with acne.

1.Apple-Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one product with multiple functionalities. Because of 
its anti-bacterial properties the product is found to treat acne effectively and
  efficiently. Take some drops of this product on a cotton ball and apply it as 
would apply a toner. You will see for the results in some days. In addition to 
this, it also helps in maintaining the pH level of skin and works best on hair 
as well.

2. Tea Tree Oil

If you want an acne free skin, you need to focus on its root-cause and 
clogged pores often lead to acne. Tea tree oil is one of the best materials to 
clean clogged pores, as it cleans your skin without causing breakout of acne. 
Additionally, it helps get rid of bacteria and removes any the dead skin cells. 
The ingredient also increases collagen production by controlling the free 
radicals, thus giving your skin a youthful appearance.

3. Papaya

The high vitamin content in papaya makes it one of the most effective 
elements for treating acne. Mash some papaya and use it as a facial mask. Leave 
the pulp on your face for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold 
water. This will hold back the overproduction of sebum which is one of the major
  causes of acne.

4. Potato

To reduce the swelling of acne, mash a potato and apply it on the affected 
area. When you wash your face after 15 minutes you will observe reduction in 
your acne size.

5. Mint

The cooling nature of mint makes it one of the best treatments for
. Crush some mint  leaves and apply the juice directly on
face and see the results for  yourself.

6. Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C is a must for healthy and glowy skin. Hence, include every item 
which is loaded with vitamin C like lemons, oranges, amla, guava, and many 
others in your everyday diet. You can also apply a mixture of rose water and 
lemon juice to maintain its radiance.

7. Honey

The goodness of honey is not limited to health. It is also found to be very 
handy in treating acne too. Its antimicrobial property destroys the bacteria, 
thus reducing the chances of acne. Additionally, the sticky texture helps in 
removing any dirt from the face without any harmful effects. For maximum 
benefits, make sure that you choose natural variant over processed honey, since 
its properties are well preserved in its natural form. Apply an even coat of 
honey all over your face and neck and leave it for about fifteen to twenty 
minutes. Wash your face with normal water and you will see a glow like never 

8. Egg-white

Egg not only keeps you healthy but also looks after your skin very well. Egg 
white when applied on face unclogs the acne causing pores smoothly, reducing the
  redness as well. Thus it plays a dual role of as that of an anti-inflammatory 
agent and an astringent.

9. Avocado

Avocados are known for their high content of fibre and unsaturated fats. But,
  in addition to this, the fruit is also beneficial in treatment of acne because 
of its anti-oxidant properties. Therefore, try to include these fruits in your 
daily diet for a healthier and clear skin.

10. Baking Soda

Another product which is present in almost every other kitchen and can treat 
acne is baking soda. To treat acne, mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 
sufficient water so as to form a thick paste. After that, apply the paste to 
your skin and leave it until it begins to harden and then wash your face. Repeat
  the procedure several times in a week and you will be pleased with the 

It is not only that external treatments can give you an acne free skin. You 
also need to watch your eating habits for beautiful and radiant skin. Make sure 
that you drink plenty of water, at least ten to fifteen glasses a day, to keep 
your skin hydrated and moisturized. Also, choose your cosmetics and skin 
products wisely. Do not compromise on quality for price.

Aramint A Roxana is beautician and her tips are effective. She like to share 
her beauty tips which are helpful to people to look beauty full. If you want 
more information you can visit

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Jojoba oil is an extract of the jojoba plant, specifically from the seeds. Ever since it was discovered as an largely superior alternative to whale oil in 1971 it has grown tremendously in popularity being used in thousands of beauty products, and being sold on its own by many companies worldwide. It is little wonder why since it has so many uses and health benefits such as.....

Its antimicrobial: Jojoba oil is very good at killing several different kinds of harmful microbe, like P. acnes the bacteria responsible for most breakouts as well as most fungi.

Gentle on the human body: In fact it is very similar to the oil our skin produces naturally, and as a result is noncomedogenic, nonacnegenic, and nontoxic. It is even edible, though it cannot be digested and may cause issues with stool.

Powerful antioxidant: Like many other natural extracts jojoba oil has the ability to block free radicals responsible for aging as well as many diseases such as cancer. This is largely due to its high content volume of other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

All in all jojoba oil is a very powerful product with the potential to greatly aid in getting rid of one's acne problems, while at the same time helping with many other health aspects. Try it and decide for yourself if this wonderful product is right for you, heres one of my favorite brands:


Acne is a common problem that can make you crazy, depressed, frustrated, and 
sick. If you have experienced acne for some time, you will understand how bad 
this condition is for your life. It will not only affect your physical health, 
but it will also affect your psychological health as well. You can't cure your 
acne unless you apply the right treatment for it, and the best treatment for 
acne is a combination of internal and external treatment. In this article, 
you'll discover some external treatments for acne that will help you to 
alleviate your acne problem effectively. Here are 5 natural acne remedies you 
can apply topically:

 1. Aloe Vera Gel

 Aloe vera gel can help you to reduce your acne inflammation, reduce your acne
  bacteria, soothe your skin, and repair your skin damage. Use aloe vera gel 
topically in your acne area, after washing your face with warm water. Wait for 
some time before you clean the gel from your face with fresh water. Do this 
treatment twice a day, morning and evening or after taking a bath.

 2. Lemon Juice

 Lemon juice will be helpful to eliminate your acne redness as well as to 
lessen the appearance of acne spots. Only use this treatment if your skin can 
take it. Some people will get more irritation when using lemon juice in their 
facial treatment. The way to use lemon juice to treat your acne is like this. 
Squeeze the lemon and apply the juice all over your face. Wait for some time and
  rinse it with fresh water. Do this treatment at night.

 3. Manuka Honey

 Manuka honey is a type of honey that is superior than the regular honey. It 
doesn't lose any of its potency even though you expose it to heat or dilute it 
with water. It will go deep through your skin and treat your acne more 
effectively. Raw Manuka honey with fairly high UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) is 
recommended for your acne treatment. You can use Manuka honey as an acne mask 
once a week. Use this honey mask at night before you go to sleep.

 4. Almond Oil

 Almond oil can help you to remove dead skin cells in your skin and speed up 
the healing process of your acne. Almond oil can be applied at night before you 
go to sleep. Wash your face and apply a small amount of almond oil all over your
  face. Massage your face gently. Then, wait for about 15 minutes and rinse it 
with fresh water. Do this treatment once every 3 days.

 5. Avocado Oil

 Avocado oil will help you to reduce excess oil in your face and rejuvenate 
your skin. Use this oil in the night before you go to sleep. Apply avocado oil 
as a face mask and wait for some time before you remove it. Keep yourself 
relaxed. Then, rinse your face with fresh water. You can see a good improvement 
in your skin overnight.

 Those are natural acne remedies that you can apply topically. There is one 
rule that you need to adhere when you apply any of the above mentioned natural 
acne remedies. It is to keep track of your progress. Not all topical treatments 
will be effective for your skin. So, whenever you see a bad side effect of those
  treatments, you should stop using it immediately.

 Stop getting ripped off! Learn the shocking truth about acne, drugs, creams 
and the only path to lasting acne freedom! Click here to get the
facts on how to eliminate your acne to  the root naturally and permanently and
achieve lasting clear skin without  spending your hard-earned money on drugs and
over the counter products.

To learn more information about the secret to achieve clear skin, you can 

Article Source: 
There are a lot of fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. In this
  article, you will discover 5 special fruits that can help you to heal your acne
  naturally. Bear in mind that some fruits may cause more inflammation in your 
skin (such as lemon, orange, and other sour fruits), depending on how sensitive 
your skin is. So, watch the effect of those fruits carefully. Here are 5 natural
  cures for acne that you can get from fruits:

 1. Apple

 The way apple can help to cure your acne is by eliminating toxins within your
  body. Apple has strong anti-oxidant within it that can help you to remove free 
radicals within your body. It will ease your body metabolism and cleanse your 
body from within. Eat some apples each day and excrete your bowel regularly. 
You'll see a gradual and consistent improvement in your skin health.

 2. Avocado

 Your skin really needs vitamin E in order to sustain its health. Vitamin E 
will help your skin to repair the damage that it has. Acne is one of the damages
  that your skin will constantly experience if you don't treat it properly. 
Avocado contains high level of vitamin E which will help you to maintain your 
skin health and repair your skin damage naturally. Drink avocado juice at least 
once a day. It will help you to boost the repairing process of your skin damage 
that is caused by acne.

 3. Lemon

 Lemon is useful to eliminate inflammation in your skin, as well as to 
eliminate acne spots, redness, and scars. It will act as an astringent as well 
as bleaching for your skin, and it is widely used as a skin treatment to fade 
acne scars and prevent aging. If you use lemon, you can effectively clear your 
acne redness and inflammation. Apply lemon juice in your acne area every night. 
It will help you to eliminate your acne redness naturally.

 4. Banana

 The major cause of acne is toxic accumulation within your body, and it will 
become worse as the toxins keep accumulating within your body. If you don't 
expel your bowel (i.e. toxins) regularly, you won't be able to clear your skin 
from acne. Banana will help you to prevent constipation and ease your digestive 
system. Thus, it will allow you to heal your acne quickly. Eat banana fruit 
every day to ease your digestive system and avoid constipation. You can also 
apply banana peel in your skin surface to remove bacteria from your skin as well
  as help your skin to heal your acne.

 5. Watermelon

 Watermelon is a fruit that contains plenty of water inside. It will help you 
to cleanse your body instantly as well as give rejuvenating effect to your skin.
  Watermelon is rich of anti-oxidant and it is a good source of vitamin A and C, 
which will help to cure your acne from inside. It also gives your skin a good 
refreshment and nourishment. Eat a slice or two slices of watermelon every day 
to keep your skin in a fresh and healthy condition.

Those are some of the fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. If 
you use them daily and consistently, you will be able to become free from acne 
very quickly. Also, those fruits will help you to prevent your acne from coming 
back again.

 Article Source: 

Misleading Neutrogena Skin ID reviews are everywhere. This is my in-depth 
unbiased review, and it will uncover what is and what is not of Neutrogena Skin 
ID. 7 Pros and Cons will help you decide if Skin ID is a desirable product or 

 Acne is the worst. For countless years, I tried plenty of products and 
solutions created by companies claiming to have finally found the cure. Some of 
the products worked better than others. Others were a waste of time and money. I
  don't expect miracles, and I never did. I always hope that any new acne 
treatment will result will be fewer noticeable breakouts within a reasonable 
amount of time.

 Before trying any new acne product, I read the reviews of people who have 
already tried it. After I found out about Neutrogena Skin ID, I checked out its 
reviews and this is what I found -- although it is not the perfect product, it 
is worth a try.

 How Does Neutrogena Skin ID Work?

 Neutrogena begins its order process with a detailed questionnaire. Before 
ordering the products, you will need to answer several questions, such as age, 
gender, skin type, skin tone, whether or not you have sensitive skin, type of 
acne, products used before, and many more. Some Neutrogena Skin ID reviews 
contained complaints about the length of the questionnaire, but I believe that 
the company is doing potential buyers a favor because not everyone has the same 
skin type, and we all have different circumstances.

 The purpose of Neutrogena's questionnaire is to recommend a custom 
combination of Skin ID products in order to produce the best results. Based on 
your answers, Neutrogena Skin ID recommends a personalized skin care system 
using 3 products: an anti-acne treatment, a combination cream cleanser/mask, and
  a moisturizer. These products are each given a separate number that customers 
use to order the product.

 Some Neutrogena Skin ID reviews claimed that the custom combination made it 
difficult to order because some were afraid they might choose the wrong product 
by mistake. However, I found that it was necessary to answer the Skin ID 
questionnaire as accurately as possible to obtain the best product 
recommendations. Why wouldn't you want your personal formula designed to give 
you the best possible results?

 Does Neutrogena Personalized Skin Care Really Work?

 It is important to understand that Skin ID alone will not cure your acne. You
  need to make a commitment to follow the instructions on the labels and use your
  products regularly and as directed. In other words, follow the directions 
exactly in order to derive maximum benefit from your Skin ID!

 According to various Neutrogena Skin ID reviews, the products seem to work 
well. Consumers are confident because the products are personalized to their 
particular needs. Some reviewers were skeptical that the personalization of the 
product was a ploy in order for Neutrogena to sell more products. However, many 
had significant confidence in the company, because they were already familiar 
with its popular, high-quality drug store brand.

 Skin ID Vs Proactiv Solution

 The company claims that its Skin ID product line is twice as effective as 
Proactiv Solution. Several Neutrogena Skin ID reviews back this claim, and many 
users of all age groups claimed that the product produced immediate effects. I 
had difficulty finding many negative Skin ID reviews.

Neutrogena conducted its own clinical trial with 500 volunteers and 
discovered positive reactions overall. According to the company's own findings, 
participants in the trial showed 70% improvement in just two months. Neutrogena 
Skin ID was successful in the trial early on, and the company provides the 
following numbers:
  •   Visible results for 86% of users during the first week

  •   90% visible difference by the end of the second week

  •   94% change during the third week

  •   100% difference at the end of the first month

Several Neutrogena Skin ID reviews claimed that the product was ideal for 
sensitive skin and that it wasn't nearly as harsh as Proactiv. Other acne 
products work better (such as Exposed Skin Care), but they are also 
significantly more expensive.

Keep in mind that you may not need the most expensive product if your acne is
  mild. My acne is mild; therefore, the only difference I find between products
is  the length of time it takes for them to begin working and how long the
products  continue to work. However, moderate acne sufferers suggest that the
product took  much longer to work, and it wasn't as effective as it was on mild
acne  sufferers.

What Are the Advantages of Using Neutrogena Skin ID?

The biggest advantage of Skin ID is that it has a 60-day money back 
guarantee. This serves as a great, no-risk incentive for those who are wary of 
either trying a new brand or switching to a new product. However, Neutrogena 
requests that you pay return shipping and handling charges. Not a bad deal.

 If you like the product, it is extremely cost effective at $19.95 a 

 As I mentioned earlier, Neutrogena Skin ID is clinically proven to be 
effective and fights acne at the first sign of breakout. Skin ID also receives a
  rating of 2.8 out of 5 stars.

The free custom questionnaire is detailed enough to create a personalized 
skin care system designed with you in mind. In fact, the system will not allow 
you to order any products until you have completely answered the questionnaire. 
Neutrogena is the first company to come out with an acne product that is 
personalized; in fact, there are 25 possible combinations of formulas.

 With All These Advantages, What Could Possibly Be 

 Some Netrogena Skin ID reviews offer complaints that at an initial price of 
$40, the product is overpriced. However, its initial cost is still less 
expensive than its main competitor, Proactiv. Also, I did not like that when I 
went to order the product, Neutrogena gave me no choice but to put me on an 
automatic re-ordering schedule. That type of system does not work well for me 
because I would most likely forget to cancel. 60 days is a long time to remember
  to cancel an ongoing order if you do not wish to continue.

 Some Skin ID users complained that the products did not meet their 
expectations, especially if their skin was extra sensitive or if they suffered 
from moderate acne. Additionally, some product reviews indicated that Skin ID 
had a consistency that was thicker than preferred and that the product had a 
disagreeable odor. Some reported that the product's consistency was similar to 

 Additionally, several users complained of redness, dryness, swelling, 
itchiness, and greasiness.

 The bottom line is that you need to decide for yourself. I can only tell you 
my experiences with this product as well as share some information from other 
Neutrogena Skin ID reviews. However, each case is different and what works for 
me may not work for you.

 7 Pros and Cons

  •   Very popular product

  •   Works well on mild acne

  •   60 day money back guarantee

  •   No prescription is needed

  •   Personalized skin care

  •   Cost effective

  •   Conducted a clinical trail with 500 volunteers

  •   Less effective on moderate to severe acne

  •   Some Reported skin irritation on sensitive skin

  •   Initial price of $40

  •   Acne fighting strength is too mild

  •   Moisturizer might clog pores for oily skin

  •   Redness and dryness if over use

  •   Average customer service

 Article Source:
One of the toughest periods in someone's life is time when puberty starts. 
This is the age in which people try to find themselves and develop their own 
distinct personality. Fighting acne problems is one of the most important 
aspects of this age. Acne is a really bad problem which could bother you a lot. 
This is why you need to opt for effective acne scar treatment so that you are 
able to have a healthy and glowing skin. For detailed information on this topic,
  you can consider seeking help from experts. Make sure you choose the right 
options in this regard so that no issues come up later on.

The worst thing here is that nobody can explain the condition to you or the 
reason it occurred. Acne scar treatment can really prove to be a challenging 
process and this is why you need to opt for the right treatment method which is 
not just effective but quite convenient as well. You should first know your 
needs about such a treatment. You should also consider planning your budget 
beforehand so that you don't end up spending too much money.

We all know that taking good care of your skin is an extremely good idea as 
it can help you in fighting acne problems with great ease. You need to talk to a
  skin care expert if you want to find out more about the right acne scar 
treatment. You just have to get the simple and basic things right and once you 
do this you will be able to generate some fine results on the go.

Sometimes, applying exfoliation cream can prove to be quite amazing. It can 
give you some quick results and so you need to make sure that you opt for the 
right options every single time.

You just have to find the apt items for yourself and make sure that you pay a
  lot of attention towards your options while you are shopping for some creams
and  medications on acne scar treatment. Always buy good quality products that
can  offer you best results in quick time. The best thing which you can do for a
  healthier skin is to visit a trained expert.

A professional skin specialist can really offer you some great information 
about this topic. He can even offer you some treatments at affordable rates. You
  need to put forward your problem and I am pretty convinced that the doctor will
  recommend you something good.

So, this was all that you need to know about effective acne scar treatment. 
You need to ensure that you opt for the right options every single time. For 
better results you can consider talking to an expert online. Internet is also a 
great place to look out for some key information about this topic. You can 
easily consider visiting a dermatologist. He is going to perform a treatment on 
your skin so that you are able to get rid of acne problem with great ease. Enjoy
  your rejuvenated skin.

 Article Source:
When you have acne, you might think that it is a problem that you only 
experience externally. In other words, you might think that it is just a 
cosmetic problem (not a problem associated with something inside your body). In 
fact, most people are thinking that acne is just a cosmetic problem (that's why 
they fail to cure their acne), thus they only focus on the external treatment to
  cure their acne. People keep buying acne products, creams, cleansers, maskers, 
makeups, and so on in the hope that they will make their acne disappear quick. 
But, without the internal treatment, using those products alone won't help them 
to fix the problem.

 There are some things that you might overlook when you try to cure your acne,
  yet these things are the very things that will help you to cure your acne. If 
you neglect these important things, you won't be able to balance your body and 
create a necessary environment for it to start the healing process to get rid of
  its acne problem. Here are 5 overlooked, yet important factors that will help 
you to cure acne:

 1. Your Quality Of Sleep

 When you have acne, you need a lot of quality sleep. Why? That's because when
  you sleep, your body is regenerating itself, and this is the time when your
skin  is getting repaired naturally. Please note that you need quality sleep
(not a  short nap or anything else), so you have to give your body what it
needs.  Sleeping will also help your body to prevent stress, and thus keep your
skin in  a balanced condition. A good quality sleep is an 8-hour sleep each
night (and  whenever necessary during the day).

 2. Your Environment

 Your environment will affect your skin condition. Why? Take a look at your 
room right now. Is it messy? Does it have many distractions? If so, then you 
should clean it up. It will give you more peace of mind as well as cleaner air. 
Now, take a look at the air that you breathe. Is it polluted or not? If so, then
  you need to go out every morning to breathe fresh air so that your body can get
  the fresh oxygen needed to keep healthy blood circulation. Also, it helps to 
refresh your skin.

 3. Your Body Hygiene

 A good acne treatment needs to balance between internal and external 
treatment. If you keep your body dirty (no bath, dirty hair, dirty clothes, 
dirty bed, etc.) you will keep attracting acne to your skin. Acne loves to 
appear on a dirty body. It is seldom appear if you keep your body clean.

 4. Your Stress Level

 The more you feel stressful and depressed, the more acne you will attract. 
Also, the more stressful you are, the more persistent your acne will be. Do you 
believe in this (I hope you believe it)? By simply keeping your mind at peace 
with your surroundings, you're helping your body to release the stress and 
therefore make your acne less and less apparent.

 5. Your Digestive System

 Your digestive system is designed to expel toxins from your body. Thus, if 
you keep too much toxins within your body, your body will redistribute those 
toxins to your skin. And acne will appear. That's why it is important for you to
  keep your digestive system in healthy condition and regularly expel your bowel 
in order to prevent the toxins from being redistributed all over the body and 
manifest as acne.

 Those things are often overlooked, but they're important for your acne 
treatment. So, be sure to pay more attention on those things starting from now!  
Article Source: 

Acne has long been one among the most common issues among many people. No one
  can tolerate it because of the psychological and social problems it creates for
  him. So how can one treat it? There are so many medications available. But the 
most effective way to begin treating one's skin condition is to take steps to 
stop it. Below are some natural remedies for acne prevention that will show  the
  way to prevent acne.

 1.Wash  face two times a day.

 Cleansing the skin is the most important pimples prevention step one can 
take. Daily one should wash his face two times  with a mild soap. This will 
remove the dirt, bacteria, dead skin cells and the excess oils which will cause 
breakouts. But do not over wash. It will end in more breakouts.

 2.Reduce stress level.

 Research show that anxiety and tension can also cause acne breakouts. Though 
it is not possible to get away from stress, one can always handle it properly to
  keep away from its side effects. Lack of ability to handle stress can make a 
person susceptible to skin problems like acne. By sleeping enough time, eating 
the healthy food, doing some meditations and keeping away from stressful 
situations, one can cut his stress level.

 3.Do some physical exercise daily.

 Doing regular exercise can cut one's stress level and help stop acne. When 
one work out, his skin gets more blood supply which give more oxygen to his 
skin. The sweating also cleans one's skin pores, also facilitating to end acne. 
Taking a shower soon after the work out is necessary.

 4.Drink enough water daily.

 One of the healthy ways to avoid acne would be to enhance the water intake. 
Sufficient water intake stimulates removal of toxins and maintains the skin 

 5.Eat healthy food.

 Avoid certain food items that enhance acne flare ups such as junk foods. By 
removing unhealthy foods from one's diet, he is reducing the amount of toxin 
being removed from his skin pores. Thus, one can stop an acne outbreak from 
development by eating a healthier diet. Add to diet zinc,vitamin A and E to help
  with acne prevention. Each of these vitamins and minerals can help to cut acne 
in its own way.

 The above mentioned natural remedies for acne prevention offer an effortless,
  low-cost solution to keep acne at bay. Pursuing these tips will undoubtedly 
safeguard the skin from acne problems.

 Article Source: 
Chemical peels for acne scars can be a very beneficial process for your skin.
  Winning the battle against acne may seem like the last of your troubles. 
However, until you've gotten rid of facial acne scars you haven't won the 

 Acne can be embarrassing and may cause depression and low self-esteem. Even 
worse are the scars and marks left behind that can take weeks or even months to 
fade away.

 Sometimes these scars can easily diminish through the natural processes of 
skin regeneration. However, for most of us our skin needs a little help dealing 
with this nuisance. So what treatment options are available for facial 

 Phenol Peels

 One chemical procedure that is used is a phenol peel. This type of peel is 
only carried out in a doctor's office with numbing agents on the areas prepped 
to be peeled before the chemical is applied. The phenol chemical penetrates very
  deeply and into the dermis layer of your skin.

 Typically, this type of peel is only needed for bad cases of pitted acne 
scars and has the side effects of causing discoloration on your skin. 
Furthermore, you have to keep the treated areas clean by washing your face often
  to prevent causing an infection.

 Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peels

 Another chemical agent that is used to reduce scarring is Trichloroacetic 
acid. TCA is used for moderate facial scars and is relatively safe. This 
treatment goes beyond a superficial procedure and actually penetrates past the 
epidermis. It is very effective at removing scars, but also has the benefits of 
diminishing fine lines, sun spots, discoloration and blemishing.

 You can perform TCA peels yourself. However, you must use the appropriate 
concentrations of the chemical to prevent causing chemical burns on your face. 
In addition, if you notice continual redness or dryness of the skin, the 
concentration of the acid is too high. Usually preparations that are 25% or less
  are the safest. Frosting on the top layer of skin is normal and expected for 
both phenol and TCA treatments and is part of the chemical peel process.

 Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Peels

 Other options that can be utilized for home treatments are glycolic acid or 
salicylic acid peels. These peels are much milder and safer than phenol peels 
and so can be performed in the comfort of your home. It is very popular to 
incorporate both Alpha-Hydroxy and Beta-Hydroxy acids for treating facial 
scarring. Glycolic and salicylic acid peels are used for very light to moderate 
cases. In combination, these chemicals are small enough to seep into the pores 
of your skin and help your face release dead skin cells which in time will fade 

 Because the acids do not penetrate beyond the outer layer, or epidermis, of 
your skin, these peels require the least amount of recovery time. Furthermore, 
the acids are derived from sugarcane and fruits so are very natural. Some people
  find it useful to combine both AHA and TCA chemical treatments.

When using any chemical peels to treat acne scars it is important to keep 
your skin moisturized and to stay hydrated. Furthermore, your skin could become 
extra sensitive so avoidance of sun exposure or wearing sun screen may become 

 Article Source: 

Most people become angry and frustrated when dealing with acne. This is 
especially true of teenagers. Acne causes embarrassment and mars a person's 
appearance, and this is very upsetting to young teens; however, it doesn't have 
to be. It is really a lot easier to deal with acne than most people realize. It 
just takes using the right tips in the right situations. In this article, we 
will share a lot of practical, doable tips that will help you get your acne 
under control.

 Avoid touching your face throughout the day and at night when you are asleep.
  Many people tend to sleep with their cheek resting on their hand or with their 
fists against their chin; however, this is a bad practice that can cause germs, 
bacteria and oil to build up and encourage breakouts. Take care to keep your 
hands away from your face.

 There is a lot of debate over whether or not to pop pimples. Generally 
speaking, those that are very large and/or painful should be popped, but it's 
very important that you clean the pimple and the skin around it and also clean 
your hands thoroughly first. Be sure to wash up afterward as well. Treat the 
popped pimple with a natural antibacterial such as tea tree oil to kill germs 
and assist in healing.

 The use of skin peels containing hydroxyl acids and/or salicylic acid can be 
helpful in diminishing acne. This sort of treatment can be used once a week or 
so to help slough off old skin and reveal new, fresh skin. This treatment also 
helps remove acne and blackheads, reduces oil and helps the skin to heal.

 Be sure your bed linens are clean. This includes both your sheets and your 
pillowcases. While you are asleep, the oils and sweat from your skin can soak 
into your sheets and pillowcases. When this happens, germs and bacteria grow and
  transfer back to your skin the next time you get in bed. This is a vicious
cycle  that adds up to more acne and skin irritation. Be sure to change your bed
sheets  at least once a week, and change your pillowcase every night before you
go to  bed.

 Avoid extremes of temperature. Both very hot and very cold weather can 
aggravate acne. In hot weather, be sure to stay well hydrated and rest when you 
become overheated. If you sweat copiously during the day, be sure to take a bath
  or shower at night so that you are not going to bed with oil, germs and
bacteria  built up on your skin. Use an oil-free moisturizer during the winter
to protect  your skin against harsh, cold, dry air because this can cause your
skin to over  produce oil.

 Clearly, taking care of your acne is not impossible and it doesn't need to be 
frustrating. Consistent, intelligent, gentle care will keep your skin healthy 
and attractive. Follow the tips presented here to get your acne under 

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