Systemic Enzymes

If you have scars or pockmarks that have recently occurred from acne, you may be able to clear them by using a product called Vitalzym.

You're not going to hear this from your doctor or dermatologist, but systemic enzymes, such as serapeptase, which is found in Vitalzym, can remove excess fibrin, which makes up scar tissue that forms acne pockmarks.

Systemic enzymes have a different function from digestive enzymes. Systemic enzymes work in body organs, tissue, skin, and joints to remove excess fibrin, which accumulates in these areas. Systemic enzymes,

* Bring nutrient to damaged area 
* Enhance wellness 
* Help to speed repair of damage tissue 
* Improves blood and lymphatic circulation 
* Reduce inflammation 
* Remove waste products 
* Stimulate immune system

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes, however, are used to help you digest food that you eat. If you eat mostly processed foods, these foods don't have digestive enzymes to help digest them selves. Your body has to pull them from deep within your body to digest food in your stomach or intestines.

Over many years of eating processed food instead of live food, like raw fruits and vegetables, your digestive enzyme supply will diminish and you will not digest food as good as when you were younger.

Supplementing your diet with digestive enzymes and taking them with every meal will insure that you digest your food properly. This will reduce the amount of undigested food that gets into the colon where toxic matter is formed. Also, this will minimize your chances of becoming constipated. Good digestion and colon function is necessary for preventing, clearing, or eliminating acne.


Lecithin is made from soybeans and is found in health food stores in yellow granules. It is an emulsifier, which is a substance that helps fats and nonfats to mixed and stay together without separating.

In the blood, lecithin keeps fats from forming large globes, which can create problems if your arteries are narrow. Lecithin also has many other benefits such as,

* Improves digestion and absorption of essential fatty acids 
* Improves skin problems 
* Improves memory 
* Lowers cholesterol

Add 1-2 tablespoons of granules into your smoothies. Add one or two teaspoons to your soups or other liquid food. Sprinkle one teaspoon or more on your fresh salads.

Chlorophyll and lemon

Chlorophyll is one of the best ways to detoxify the colon fast. Your colon needs to be detoxified constantly to prevent toxins from getting into your blood and seeping into your facial skin where they can create acne. It also helps the skin keep healthy by acting as an

* antioxidant 
* anti-inflammatory 
* anti-microbial agent 
* absorber of heavy metals in the colon

Here are some of the benefits you will get from drinking chlorophyll,

* Heals open wounds inside your body 
* Increases re-growth of tissues 
* Helps to heal sores in your mouth 
* Acts as a antiseptic 
* Destroys bacteria 
* Brings more oxygen to your cells 
* Give protection from low levels of radiation such as TV, computers, microwaves, and hospital equipment 
* Reduces toxins in the colon and body 
* Helps to purify the liver 
* Helps sores heal faster 
* Reduces pain from inflammation

Here's how to prepare it first thing in the morning,

* Place 2-3 tablespoon of plain liquid chlorophyll in an 8 oz glass 
* Squeeze the juice of one whole lemon into the glass 
* Add distilled water to fill the 8 oz glass.

The reason I add one lemon to this drink is to give this drink some flavor. I have a hard time just drinking chlorophyll and water. It has a bland taste. You may try adding the chlorophyll to some other drink if you like.

You cannot overdose on chlorophyll liquid that is why I sometimes drink 2 ounces plus the juice of one lemon in an 8 oz glass of water.
Fruit smoothies provide you a different way to eat fruits. Smoothies mixed with other ingredients and nutrients can serve as a way to clear your acne and provide nutrients to clear constipation. Blended nutrients are digested quicker when in a liquid slurry then when in a solid food. Smoothies can be created that help build, cleanse, and heal your body.

In cases where you are depleted of various vitamins and minerals, smoothies are a way to bring these nutrients quickly into your body.

During the period where you have acne, drink more smoothies to detoxify toxic matter in your colon and else where in your body.

The smoothies I list in other articles provide you with plenty of fiber. Fiber is one of the main foods you want to increase in your eating plan.

In her book, New Facts About Fiber, 1997, Betty Kamen, Ph. D., talks about how fiber helps skin diseases,

"Treatment of any skin condition is always more effective when the intestinal tract is free of disease-producing fungi. Vegetable fiber is recommended to reduce yeast colonies between your intestinal villi - the threadlike projections covering the surface of the mucous membranes lining your small intestine, which serve as the absorption sites of nutrients. Fiber also helps to avoid yeast cells from invading your lymph tract and circulating blood. This is effective in clearing seborrheic eczema (the kind that causes excessive discharge from the sebaceous glands, forming greasy scales and cheesy plugs) and other skin conditions."

Drink your smoothie slowly. Do not drink it like water. The best way to drink it is to move the mixture around in your mouth so saliva is mixed with the smoothie ingredients. Drinking a smoothie too fast can lead to gas (air in the smoothie) to form in the stomach and intestine, which can cause some discomfort.

Once your smoothie is made, drink it within a few minutes. The smoothie ingredients will start to decay quickly as it has air mixed in from the blending process. If you fill a thermos to the top, you can use the smoothie for later.

In her book, The Big Book of Juices and Smoothies, 2003, Natalie Savona, gives some hints on storing your smoothie.

"There really is no such thing as storing a juice or smoothie - you can't beat drinking them the moment you've made them. However, you may like to take them out to work or on a picnic. In that case, the best way to store them is to put a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or a squeeze pf lemon juice in the bottom of the jug attached to the juicer. The vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, preventing the juice from turning brown. The same goes for smoothies. Also keep the drinks covered and cool - in a sealed container in the refrigerator, or in a thermos flask"
The development of anti-aging alpha hydroxy acid moisturizers is promising a new approach for adult onset female acne. To date thousands of women nationwide have successfully used the anti-aging acne treatment from Niora®, Alpha Clear®. Their experience with this moisturizing cleanser is compelling evidence that softening the skin and reducing wrinkles with alpha hydroxy acids can be an effective treatment for this persistent skin condition.

Niora® recognized over a decade ago the relationship between acne and anti-aging and has compiled thousands of testimonials, and completed two studies on Alpha Clear. The connection between anti-aging and acne first became apparent in the 1970's when two Dermatologists, Dr. Eugene Van Scott, and Dr. Albert Klingman begin investigating vitamin A as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide for the treatment of acne. The basis of most over-the-counter acne remedies such as Proactive, Clearasil and others, benzoyl peroxide has limited effectiveness and can be drying to the skin.

Dr Klingman eventually developed Retin A, a derivative of vitamin A, and Dr. Van Scott began working with the structurally similar Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Neither of these researchers attracted much attention until it was noted that women using these substances for acne were experiencing a reduction in skin wrinkling. Retin A and AHAs quickly became most widely used anti-aging skin care ingredients in the world. One of the first to incorporate AHAs into anti-aging skin care, Niora® had already achieved acclaim for it's anti-aging moisturizers. By 1993 Niora® was receiving many testimonials from women who realized Niora® skin care was clearing up their acne.

In response, Niora® re-examined the potential of AHAs as an acne treatment. Niora Founder George Tindall explains, "We realized that just as Van Scott's AHA acne treatments faded wrinkling, our AHA anti-aging formulations were reducing acne." Niora had discovered that moisturizing the skin enhanced the effectiveness of AHAs to reduce acne. The missing piece of the puzzle was Niora's incorporation AHA into their sensitive skin friendly moisturizing formulas.

Ten years of experience with Alpha Clear® demonstrates that the best acne treatment might well be the best anti-aging cleanser.
Severe acne can be detrimental to the thin layers of skin 
on your forehead and face. It can also cause extreme 
irritation, resulting in open wounds, puss-filled pores, 
and unsightly scarring.

This type of acne is quite different than mild or moderate 
cases. Severe acne needs the immediate attention of a 
qualified dermatologist and your family practitioner.

Severe or acute acne can be caused by both environmental 
and genetic variables. Prevention and treatment are the 
best ways to deal with such cases. Seldom does an extreme 
acne sufferer's skin clear up naturally, but in most 
instances, it actually worsens.

Usually a dermatologist will recommend a combination of 
both topical cream and oral drugs. Several types available 
include different antibiotics, benzyl peroxides, Tretinoin, 
Adapalen and the strong, yet effective Azelaic Acid. 
Antibiotics and this acid can work wonderfully, attacking 
the source of inflammation-the bacteria lining the 

The other topical drug, Tretinoin, is simply a form of 
vitamin A that stops the development of comedones, or 
inflamed hair follicles. While it doesn't necessarily stop 
the growth of bacteria, this is a more natural way of 
unplugging clogged pores that cause inflammation and 
lesions, thereby allowing the use of topical antibiotic 
cream to work deeply within the skin.

Another drug that isn't so natural in it's approach are the 
newer forms of Retinoid drugs. These drugs are quite 
powerful in the way they work. Like Tretinoin, these drugs, 
often Tazarotene or Adapalen, also help to fight off the 
development of comedones or comedo lesions.

These drugs, although not available over the counter (OTC), 
come in different forms. Similar to OTC drugs, these come 
in a variety of solutions, gels, lotions and creams. Your 
dermatologist will immediately know which type is right for 
your skin and prescribe what she or he believes will most 
effectively open pores and fight-off unwanted bacteria.

Dermatologist will routinely ask you which form of 
medication you'd prefer. Creams are good for those with 
extra sensitive skin, while gels and other solutions tend 
to make the skin become more dry and irritated. He or she 
may recommend one or the other based on gender and/or 
whether you live in a hot and humid climate.

At first, your skin may look and feel worse with the use of 
such strong medications. If the pain becomes unbearable or 
if you develop a rash or extreme redness of any kind, be 
sure to stop using the product and immediately talk to your 
doctor and dermatologist.

Similarly to OTC treatments, it will take up to eight weeks 
for you to actually notice improvements. But, once it 
begins to clear, it will make a world of difference to how 
your skin looks and feels.
While many focus upon the biological or medicinal side of 
acne, there are many researchers who are trying to see if 
there might be a natural cure to this disease; a disease 
which effects so many people.

One commonality that these researchers are finding is that 
acne, although genetically passed on, can be controlled 
with diet. Some scientists may disagree, but we've all 
heard the old adage, "what you put in is what you get out". 
This may be true with acne; even in it's most severe forms.

First and foremost, obesity has been thought as a major 
factor contributing to acne. With an obese person, there is 
an increased activity in the glands of the body, and this 
includes the glands below hair follicles, which produce 
oil. Losing weight and exercising each and every day may 
help immensely. This requires no drugs, just self-control 
and willpower.

Diet is another major concern for naturalists striving for 
a cure. They are finding that a diet rich in vegetable and 
fruit helps significantly balance hormones that effect 
glands. Vegetables and fruit help keep the body in 
homeostasis, or in balance.

The intake of fatty foods, such as Trans Fats, or those 
made from animal products (milk based products, i.e. 
margarine and even vegetable oils), also increases gland 
activity in the body. There is a type of oil; however, that 
may be good at fighting against acne.

Omega-3 oils, commonly found in fish and sea animals, is 
natural oil that is good for the body, especially for the 
skin. Other foods that contain oils, sugars, caffeine, 
carbonization and heavy amounts of salts, should be avoided 
at all costs for sufferers of acne.

Zinc, a mineral gaining much popularity in the natural 
world for its medicinal qualities, helps fight the clogging 
of pores that leads to acne. In the form of gluconate or 
sulfate, it helps the skin heal blemishes and helps to 
balance hormonal activity.

Zinc has recently been found to be as effective as 
prescription strength tetracycline. Other vitamins, 
including vitamin A and B6 may help substantially in 
hormonal balance, resulting in clearer, healthier skin.

In any case, the positive effects seen from the uses of 
natural medications and a proper diet cannot be ignored. 
Even when compared to synthetic treatment options, natural 
healing with vitamins and minerals may help even the most 
severe cases.
There are so many skin creams on the market it's enough to make your head spin. There are creams for under the eyes, creams for anti-aging, for anti-wrinkle, foot cream, body lotions, alpha-hydroxy creams and on and on.

So how do you choose what's right for you? You'll probably do what my wife has done and that's try everything! The problem is that there are creams out there that are not so good for your skin.

In my research to find products that would help my wife with her eczema and acne, I discovered honey based creams, which were very effective in handling her skin problems.

There are several very good ones on the market today.

There is a mixture of creams that are very workable and have similar ingredients. I'm going to give you some of the natural ingredients that you should look for when you are looking for a good natural healing skin cream. They are:

Honey is an amazing ingredient and is the base for several of the top healing skin creams in America the UK and Australia.

Honey: Known for it's anti-bacterial properties.

Panthenol It's vitamin B 5 known for its moisturizing ability

Royal Jelly- anti-bacterial properties

Aloe Vera-Healing/moisturizing, a natural soother

Ginseng Extract-Oxygenates


Bee Propolis- Anti biotic

Olive Oil-Natural Moisturizer

Vitamin A-Anti-oxidant

Vitamin E-For Healing

Avocado Oil-A Skin Toner

Jojoba oil-a softener

Safflower Oil- An Anti-inflammatory

Healing creams with some or all of these ingredients are:

Thentix Cream,

Egyptian Magic Skin Cream,

Manuka Skin Care Skin Cream,

Herbaline Skin Care Cream,

Green Tea Honey Eye Cream,

I hope this helps.

The benefits of water as part of our daily lives are undeniable. We use it to prepare food, to drink, and to bathe. What many people do not know is that water also plays an important roll in the reduction and treatment of acne flare-ups.

During an average day, most people lose almost two liters of water through perspiration, respiration, and waste removal. Include a hot humid day, strenuous work, or athletic activity and the amount of fluid loss multiplies significantly. Water is crucial to healthy cells, and healthy cells, particularly at the skin level where cells are exposed to damaging environmental conditions, can reduce acne outbreaks.

When cells are deprived of water, they become dehydrated. Dehydrated cells do not function properly and are unable to rebuild, heal themselves, or remove waste efficiently.

Sadly, most people do not know that they are dehydrated, or they feel that they are replenishing their body with water through coffee, alcohol, or soft drinks. Yet the caffeine, alcohol, and sugars contained in these liquids actually contribute to dehydration and introduce toxins.

Consuming enough pure water to replenish what the body has lost can greatly enhance your cells' ability to function properly and reduce acne blemishes.

Consuming adequate amounts of water--anywhere from six to eight large glasses of water per day--is beneficial to cell health. But if the water you are consuming is not pure and contains minerals and toxins, these unwanted chemicals will be transported to the cellular level and can actually contribute to the cells' inability to function properly, often causing of acne.

If your water quality is questionable, investing in bottled water or some sort of water purification system can be beneficial to your body's overall health. Water is unflavored and is not suppose to have a taste. If your drinking water has a recognizable taste or leaves an aftertaste, chances are it is not as pure as it could be.

Proper cleansing with water can also help to reduce or eliminate acne. Soaps and other cleansers that we use on our faces and bodies usually contain high levels of alkaline, which can disrupt the balance--as can hard water.

As a treatment for acne, cleansing the face with a solution of purified warm water mixed with salt will help to remove excess oil and dirt from your face without over drying it. Over drying of the face can cause your body to respond with excess oil secretion that can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.
Green tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. The craze for green tea exceeds taste, as this beverage--derived from the white-flowered plant, Camellia Sinensis--is continually proving its health and wellness benefits.

A native to Asia, green tea is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for their ability to help fight diseases and maintaining healthy cell structure. Antioxidant research has shown that antioxidants help prevent cancer, reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, and can even lower blood cholesterol levels.

Researchers are now linking the antioxidants in green tea to acne prevention.

It has been long known that placing a warm tea bag on an acne blemish or similar growth will help to draw the toxins out of the lesion, promoting quicker heal times.

Current research has shown that green tea extracts fight bacteria, reduce redness and inflammation, and can deter hormone activity. All three of these symptoms are present in acne blemishes.

According to the findings reported to the American Academy of Dermatology by dermatologist Dr. Gan-Wong, when compounded into a cream with a content of 3% green tea extract, acne treatment results were comparable to using a topical solution containing 4% benzoyl peroxide, a common treatment for acne.

Dr. Gan-Wong's findings were based on an independent study of just over 100 acne suffers. The test subjects were randomly split into two groups, with one group receiving the green tea treatment and the other receiving a benzoyl peroxide treatment. Neither group was aware of the treatment they received, nor were the dermatologist who documented their progress.

After a twelve week period, significant improvements in the reduction of acne and redness were noted in the patients using the green tea extract. The results were comparable to the results of the benzoyl peroxide users.

Additionally, dermatologist noted improvements in skin tone on the test subjects who were using green tea extract cream, and green tea users reported fewer cases of dry skin and allergic responses.

Thus, green tea extract cream had proven to offer the same benefits in the treatment of acne as benzoyl peroxide, with fewer side effects.

Benzoyl peroxide is a crystalline powder that is used in tire and plastic production as well as cosmetics. Benzoyl peroxide can irritate eyes, skin, and respiratory tracts, and is on OSHA's hazardous substance list as a precaution against prolonged exposure.

What makes using green tea extract appealing as an acne treatment is that green tea is all natural.

Furthermore, it gives the holistic community a welcomed study on something that has been recommended by holistic healing practioneers for years. It is quite probable that green tea has MANY medicinal properties yet to be verified by western science. This seems very likely, considering the vast amount of anecdotal evidence regarding the healing properties of green tea.

So, on a holistic level, there is now one more scientifically backed treatment for acne available to those who want to avoid the harmful side effects of the various chemical acne treatments.

With this in mind, those who want to treat their acne, but hate the redness and irritation caused by using benzoyl peroxide and other chemicals on the skin, there is now a scientifically proven, all natural treatment. Green Tea!
There I was. I had paid just under $400 dollars to get a bright, clear, zit and scar-free face. My appointment for a deep herbal skin peel had arrived. As my cognizant and trusted Russian aesthetician, Dana, glided me onto the spa bed, she warned, "This his going to hurt a lot, you must be strong."

Seconds later I am courageously, though mentally moaning to myself, ""Jesus! Uhhh! Iiiiiiiiiii! Help! It feels like she''s rubbing glass into my face.""

"You''re doing fine... Just a few more minutes and we'll be done. Yes, it is tough to be beautiful", coached Dana.

"I am out of my body, I am out of my body. I am free. I feel easy, light... Crap! This is not working, it still hurts like hell", I whimpered to myself.

A satanic eternity later, Dana was done. And all the Heavens rejoiced in my cosmetic liberation. To all appearances, Dana took my face from scarred and acneic to blistered and tamale red in a matter of 7 minutes.

"Here, take these home and use them as I have instructed. You must do as I say or you will damage your skin and it will not look like baby new skin when you return in four days. Be extremely careful with your skin, it is very fragile now, be gentle with it. Do not scrub or wash your skin for the next three days. Use only the materials that I have given you."

Dana''s words were all I could think about in the coming hours. As I rushed home from the spa looking like a red version of the Blue Men, I congratulated myself for following through on a decision that took over a year to make.

For the next three days I avoided the sun like a bat and hid away from society. If I did have to face the sun, even just for a few seconds, I slathered my skin with a physical sun block that contained titanium oxide that Dana gave me.

Day One After the Deep Peel:

My face is no longer red. It became extremely dry. My face is like a fish out of water, scaly. I use the thick cream Dana gave me as she foretold, "Your skin will become very dry and then begin to peel off in chunks. And then you will have nice, new and beautiful skin like a baby."

Day Two After the Deep Peel:

"It has begun! It has begun!" I scream like a mad scientist. The moment I was waiting for- my skin began peeling off in chunks. I could just lightly rub my face and dry scales of skin would come off. It was amazing all day long this was happening. Scales of dry skin coming off my face. It did not hurt. It was just amazing to witness first hand.

Day Three After the Deep Peel:

More of day-two type activity. My skin is peeling like crazy. I'm a happy because I can already tell that most of my scars are gone.

Day Four After the Deep Peel:

I return to see Dana. She gives me a facial to remove the excess dead skin cells from my face. Afterwards, Dana and I are both amazed at the results. She bemoans, "I wished I had taken a before and after picture, you look completely different now. Your skin is beautiful!"

I agreed with her 150%. I had new clear skin that was as soft and firm as a newborn baby's face.

This deep peel turned out to be a hasty move on my part, because just a few months later, my skin was just as scarred with zits as it was before I started the deep peel. I realized that I needed to have my acne under control before proceeding with serious, and not to mention expensive, skin treatments. I advise the same to all. Make sure your zit break outs are few and far between before you spend your money on scar removal.

The best way to protect your skin from acne-related scarring is to take preventative measures early on. But it is often true that people who suffer from acne are unable to prevent future scarring sufficiently. In fact, it is estimated that more than 10 million Americans end up with scarring caused by acne.

There are many degrees of acne-related scarring. In some cases, the scarring is very minimal and hard to notice. But in other cases, scarring is severe and can cause long-term emotional damage. Many teenagers who have severe scarring caused by acne suffer from depression and a loss of self-confidence. They may become emotionally withdrawn and isolated, unhappy with their appearance.

There are many different factors that contribute to the level of severity of acne-related scarring. Dermatological studies indicate that genetics may play a large role in determining how mild or severe an individual's scarring may be. It is also evident that adolescents who suffer from particularly problematic acne may be more likely to have severe scarring in adulthood.

Luckily, many therapies and medical procedures have been developed to help ease acne-related scarring. The earlier someone begins appropriate treatment, the better the chance that scarring will be diminished.

Those who are considering undergoing therapy or medical procedures to combat acne-related scarring should discuss the possibilities with their dermatologists.

Laser treatment is one approach to help with acne-related scarring. 
There are two major kinds of lasers that are used in acne scar laser therapy. They are ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers.

Ablative lasers work by removing the outermost layers of the skin. These lasers burn scar tissue and cause a tightening in the dermal collagen. This reduces the visibility of the scarring. The yellow light laser, a sort of ablative laser, can help to treat keloidal scars by reducing redness and flattening the surface. Yellow light lasers also reduce itching of raised scars.

Laser treatments performed with ablative lasers actually injure the skin and leave it exposed without its outermost protective layers. Those who receive this sort of laser therapy must take extreme care to help wounds heal and prevent possible infection from occurring. The skin may appear reddened for a several months or even a year after the laser treatment. 
Non-ablative laser treatments affect the dermis directly and do not injure the outermost layers of skin, or the epidermis. Smoothbeam is a non-ablative laser recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Smoothbeam works by heating the sebum-producing sebaceous gland, which helps to reduce acne formation. Smoothbeam also heats the collagen, which causes a tightening in the dermis, making scarring less apparent,

Before non-ablative laser treatment is performed, a topical cream is applied to the skin. In order to prevent epidermal damage, the skin is cooled. The patient receiving this treatment will experience some stinging and some sensations of heat during the procedure, but the topical cream helps ease these sensations. The procedure lasts for about an hour. Three sessions are usually recommended to achieve noticeable improvement in acne-related scarring.

Because ablative and non-ablative laser treatments for acne-related scarring differ so much in their effects and side effects, those considering laser therapy should discuss the details of these procedures with their dermatologists.